Clarins Eye Revive Beauty Flash Eye Cream Review
Background: I have genetic dark under eye bags coupled with dry and sometimes flakey skin in that area. So I've been dealt quite a crappy hand when it comes to the eye area.
My eye bags in all their glory
Overview: Considering the price, this is a painfully average eye cream. It's averagely moisturising and substandardly de-puffing (I am making up words now to describe this average eye cream...). I really expected this to be very similar to the Clarins Beauty Flash Balm but it is just not. I think the Beauty Flash Balm would make a far better eye cream!
Consistency: It's a relatively thin cream, not luxuriously thick like its namesake's Beauty Flash Balm.
Application: It takes quite a while to soak in and when it does it doesn't leave my eyes feeling particularly moisturised. Just to use this up, at night I'm mixing it with 8 hour cream to thicken it. It doesn't 'revive' my eyes in any shape or form.
Packaging: The squeezy tube is kind of annoying, yes you can control the amount you use but I hate that bit when you're running low and you cramp your fingers up just trying to get the last dregs.. The dregs which last at least a week!
Price: £25.20 for 20ml on Feel Unique; I think that is extortionate for such an (I'll say it again) average eye cream!
Summary: I loved the Clarins Beauty Flash Balm, that's why I bought this eyecream. However I don't know how they can include the name 'Beauty Flash' in the title as I can't see how the two products are in any way similar. The Boots No7 eyecream is far superior and less than half the price (with a £5 voucher and honestly I never buy that range unless armed to the teeth with a voucher!)